Steve's Rubin's Bio:
Steve Rubin’s first step on the path of yoga began in 2001, like many 22 year old Americans, in the gym, starting with the physical body and asana (posture) practice, attending classes regularly while exploring a variety of approaches. After some time exploring, and learning to manage the breath better, he was drawn to spend most of his effort learning through the Ashtanga Vinyasa method. Jumping right in (or through) with both feet, his passionate interest, study, lifestyle changes, and steady growth in yoga has literally taken him all over the world (India, Thailand, Israel, Suriname, and throughout some major cities in the US) in both study and then later teaching capacities.
His main teacher Paul Dallaghan, founder of, he met in 2006 on his first of 7 trips to Asia totaling 22 months of focused study and self discovery. Steve utilized the vast majority of those months under Paul’s direct guidance, and with Paul’s two main teachers. The late Sri K Pattabhi Jois (and grandson Sharath) in Mysore India studying Ashtanga Vinyasa at the source, and with Sri O P Tiwari, head of the Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute in Lonavala India, one of the most recognized and accomplished masters of classical yoga, Pranayama, its practice and meaning.
Continuing to study regularly under Paul and Tiwariji, he’s also spent significant time with a variety of senior certified Ashtanga teachers, participated in a vast amount of workshops with well known teachers of varying approaches, had transformative experience living on a couple ashrams in India for several months, studies philosophy, Sanskrit, human anatomy, and the human condition. He’s been invited by his teachers to teach at their institutes on multiple occasions and has lectured at large scale international yoga conferences in India and the USA. In the last 3 years, the practice of bhakti yoga (chanting/kirtan), and karma yoga (volunteering time weekly) has taken on great significance in his personal development, particularly in opening the heart.
As for Yoga credentials, Steve exceeds the highest standard with Yoga Alliance possible having completed 500 hours through Centered Yoga in Thailand (update to YA website showing 500-ERYT coming soon). He has also completed several other long intensive yoga courses not affiliated through YA.
In teaching roles, Steve’s has taught on 6 teacher training programs, both in Orlando and Thailand, been a guest teacher on other Teacher Training programs in Tampa. He’s been invited to head for a few months each various studio’s Mysore Ashtanga Yoga programs in DC, New Orleans, and Suriname. Steve has an overall therapeutic approach to yoga asana practice, differing from the what is most prevalent in mainstream yoga studio culture and ashtanga culture, and has worked with people of varying special needs (visually impaired, missing limbs, obese, neural disorders, and accident/injury recovery).
Currently Steve is living and teaching in Orlando at 4 different yoga studios, teaches several private Yoga sessions a week, amongst them include professional athletes on the LPGA, a variety of workshops on topics including and beyond (pranayama or breath work, yoga philosophy, hatha yoga kriyas or purification practices, and art of hands on assisting/adjustment), and also leads week long retreats.
Of greatest importance, Steve maintains a sincere and dedicated daily yoga practice of pranayama, asana, and meditation as given by his teachers, whom he continues to spend time with a couple times a year. He feels incredibly blessed and grateful to be able to share as he has the good fortune to learn under their close guidance, and continues his rewarding effort in this path and goal which is yoga.
Outside of Yoga, Steve earned both a BSBA in Marketing and an MBA in Management from the University of Central Florida, worked 6 years for large multinational firms Siemens and defense contractor SAIC. After experience considerable success working in corporate America, he decided to leave that to pursue what was of greater interest and passion, and work for himself.
Steve is well known in the yoga community, been selected by Lululemon to be an Ambassador for their company, and also leads a volunteer yoga teaching program in the Orange County Jail for men working through issues with substance abuse.